3 Year Anniversary Plans- Run!

For our 3 year Anniversary, The Fiance and I have decided that we are going to run!

Sounds like a super romantic way to spend your anniversary right?

An anniversary should be more than just romance, it should be about how are you supporting each other, pushing each other to be more,  motivating each other, and loving each other.

That is what we are making 2014 about. <end sappy rant>

So we are going to run!


{source via sayingimages}

I am not a runner, never was a runner. Running has always been dreadfully boring for me. But I keep making myself try.

I ran two 5 Ks last summer, 4 days apart from each other.  The goal of signing up for those 5 Ks in March was that I would have a goal to work toward in July.  Zero training days later it was July, and I still had to run… The first run was a blast! My Aunts and I made tu-tus  and dressed in white for the Color Run.  After being pelted with color and dancing at the after party, I thought I was in love 5Ks!   Lucky for me, I had another one coming up in 4 days.


My second 5K was not as fun as the first. It was very miserable actually. The run was in the evening at 7 pm, on a 95+ degree day, through downtown Minneapolis.  Running on the hot pavement, with no breeze due to the shelter from all the tall buildings.  And because I was slow, none of my friends (aka the Fiance) stayed near me. Most boring, hot, sweaty, un-fun thing I have ever done.  But I lived- which was my goal. Clocking a time of just under 42 mins for my first untrained, tracked 5K, I was satisfied.


A few things I learned from both of these experiences 1) I need to have fun while running, to really enjoy it 2) I need to find a run partner who will run with me to keep the “fun” high 3) I am a huge procrastinator<– something I already knew 4) although I am 50/50 on the enjoyment scale, I want to do another run.

With both of those experiences in the books, I have decided to put my self out there again. This time to do a 7K!  Sounds silly right, to add another mile to the already dreadful 3 miles I already didn’t enjoy.  The incentive for me?  FUN! We are doing the Get Lucky 7K in Minneapolis on March 15th, 3 days before our anniversary.  People dress in costume, bundle up against the chill, and basically run to the after party hosted at the local Irish Pub! A Free Beer at the end is also a bonus!

The Fiance and I have 31 days to get ready for our “romantic” Get Lucky 7K in Minneapolis.

Wish us luck!




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3 responses to “3 Year Anniversary Plans- Run!”

  1. olivesanwine Avatar

    I love this, Rachel! One thing is for sure, you won’t be super hot during this race 😉 I ran it last year and had a blast even though it was super icy. Have fun!

    1. Rachel Avatar

      Thanks Becky! I am excited about it, and hoping for an EARLY spring so we can have clear roads and tolerable temps!

  2. […] I mentioned earlier, we planned to run the Get Lucky 7K  for our 3 year […]