Roasted Broccoli + Vacation Throwback Photos

I have been all about adding veggies into the diet recently. You know with that 21 Day Fix thing I have been doing 😉

The favorite go to veggie in our house has been, hands down, Roasted Broccoli.


I make a whole Costco size bag of this stuff and it is gone in 2 days. I might over salt it a little bit {oops},  which makes it the prefect replacement for potato chips.

Roasted Broccoli isn’t too complicated of a recipe, but I do get asked a lot how I make it, so I thought I would share my easy peasy recipe with you today, along with my post about my upcoming Baltimore trip!


I am so excited about my Baltimore trip that starts tonight. Three of my college roomies and I are headed to see the 5th roomie in the town she has been calling home for the past 5ish years.  We took a trip there in 2010, but haven’t been back since. You can tell we are all so excited for a long over due girls trip because Instagram has been blowing up with #throwback photo collages like the one below.


Last time we were in Baltimore, we hit up all the touristy things we could in the Charm City, and took a day trip to Washington DC.  Again we plan to take the train to DC for a day, but also a bus trip to NYC for a day. I love NYC, so I can’t wait to go there for a day with my besties!  Other than saying we are visiting these two places, we don’t have a fine that we have 100% planned out. I am a-ok with that. I really like the no-plan so you can just wing it plan, myself.  So you will have to check out what we end up doing next week post-vacay. Or follow me on Instagram or Facebook to keep track of what we have going on- Myurbanoven

Oh yes, here is another Instagram #throwback collage curtesy of all our excitement!


Really looking forward to having some wine, taking an over the top amount of photos {many we will make Kel’s hubby take}, make silly faces for the camera, spend a few nights out on the town, eat good food, and overall spend some quality time together having girl talk!

Look for a post or two of our trip over the weekend or Monday 🙂


Now go make yourself some broccoli!!


Roasted Broccoli

yield 4 servings 

  • 2- 3 heads broccoli, cut into small bit size pieces 
  • 1/4 cup Olive Oil
  • Sea Salt
  • Fresh Black Pepper
  • Garlic Powder
  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees 
  2. In a large bowl, place already cut broccoli and mix with olive oil.
  3. Cover a cookie sheet with parchment paper or baking mat, and pour broccoli on to pan. Flip the broccoli florets up so the stem faces the pan. This will help the tops crisp up.
  4. One at a time, sprinkle salt over pan, then black pepper, and finally garlic powder, each to personal taste.
  5. Bake in 400 degree oven for 20-25 minutes or until broccoli florets start to brown on the tips.




2 responses to “Roasted Broccoli + Vacation Throwback Photos”

  1. […] Friday: Pan Fried Tilapia with Roasted Broccoli  […]

  2. […] also eat a ton of Roasted Broccoli with our meals.  I buy large bags of broccoli from Costco, and between The Hubby and I, we can eat […]