
I should have written about this weeks ago, but I never really knew how to explain it best!

A few weeks ago, I had this great post ready to go, all about my patio garden, which I might tweak and post still, but that is for another time. Before I could rave about the success of my garden patio, which  I dearly love, I received the best surprise of the summer!

I have an Urban Garden!!

On a very unexpected night The Boy informed me that we had to stop by some place after our softball game. Me all sweaty, not really wanting to go anywhere, put up a stink. I wanted to go home and cool off.  Also, I thought this was going to be a wild goose hunt for a motorized scooter (Side note… The Boy wants one really bad. I hate the idea.) Which I just assumed, and he never clarified.

We drove about 10 minutes from my apartment, with me annoyed in the passenger seat at the prospect of the mini trip. After arriving at a house in a very random neighborhood, and knocking on the door, a man showed us to the backyard.  We did not go to the garage, like I imagined we would, instead we walked into the alley, only to find a large community garden.

The man started talking logistics about the garden and all kinds of details. I was even more lost when the man stopped, turned to me and asks, “so would you like this plot here?” What?! The Boy turned to clarify, “This was supposed to be a surprise, one of my co-workers told me about this group that has community garden plots for rent. I knew it would be something you would love!”.

Let’s take a moment here for me to swoon! What a fantastic Boy 🙂

Here are some photos of the AlleyCats Urban Community Garden that we are now members of!!

Look at the cute Girl Scout Troop garden!


Community water barrels


Plot next to ours. You should see it today, everything is GIGANTIC


Check back in later for a photo montage of the day we tilled up our plot and filled it with wonderful plants!







One response to “AlleyCats”

  1. Raeann Uppinghouse Avatar

    Great post. i have enjoyed the reading your blog and i will come back again for sure.