Category: Cookies
Day 14: Salted Chocolate Caramel Cookies
Have you ever had a Salted Caramel Mocha from Starbucks?? Sinful! The sad part is they are only around for 2 seconds in the fall. I made sure I had my fill this Fall. These cookies bring me back to those magical moments. When I found this recipe, I told myself to calm down, take…
Day 13: Chocolate Mint Truffle Blossoms
Here is another take on the mint chocolate combination. I have been all over the chocolate cookie scene with this cookie challenge. To be honest most of these chocolate ones are new to me. I normally never bake with cocoa powder. This is not to say I don’t LOVE chocolate, I just normally don’t use…
Day 12: Candy Cane Sugar Cookies
Ok, I was a slacker today. I had girls craft night at my house, but was still in need of a cookie for today. I bought sugar cookie dough… GASP! In my defense the main point of this cookie is to show how to make the candy canes so, the cookie recipe can be slightly…
Day 11: Pecan Cup “Cookies”
I want to eat all of these. Each and everyone of them. Up until today, I have raved about every recipe that I have posted in my cookie challenge, but these take the cake cookie! Yes, I know these do not look like cookies, but I had to roll dough out, use a cookie cutter,…