Category: Cookies

  • Day 14: Salted Chocolate Caramel Cookies

    Have you ever had a Salted Caramel Mocha from Starbucks?? Sinful! The sad part is they are only around for 2 seconds in the fall.  I made sure I had my fill this Fall. These cookies bring me back to those magical moments. When I found this recipe, I told myself to calm down, take…

  • Day 13: Chocolate Mint Truffle Blossoms

    Here is another take on the mint chocolate combination.  I have been all over the chocolate cookie scene with this cookie challenge. To be honest most of these chocolate ones are new to me. I normally never bake with cocoa powder. This is not to say I don’t LOVE chocolate, I just normally don’t use…

  • Day 12: Candy Cane Sugar Cookies

    Ok, I was a slacker today. I had girls craft night at my house, but was still in need of a cookie for today. I bought sugar cookie dough… GASP! In my defense the main point of this cookie is to show how to make the candy canes so, the cookie recipe can be slightly…

  • Day 11: Pecan Cup “Cookies”

    I want to eat all of these. Each and everyone of them. Up until today, I have raved about every recipe that I have posted in my cookie challenge, but these take the cake cookie! Yes, I know these do not look like cookies, but I had to roll dough out, use a cookie cutter,…