Category: Cookies
Day 6: Classic Chocolate Chip Cookies
This recipe has been with me for maybe… forever. The first batch of cookies I ever made on my own was with this recipe. I was 7 years old when I found and made this recipe. Ok, maybe I was not 7, but it seems every time I tell a story about when I learned…
Day 5: Peppermint Fudge Cookies
Dove Promises make me smile. “Togetherness in itself is a holiday treat.” Peppermint Candy Canes. Chocolate. Dark Chocolate= Christmas in your mouth! You really do need a glass of milk to accompany these cookies. And Charlie Brown’s “Its a Christmas Story”. Maybe some fuzzy slippers. Oh and the glow of the Christmas tree in the…
Day 4: Pomegranate Chocolate Chip Cookies
In the fall, I wait patiently for the grocery stores to start stocking pomegranates. The first pomegranate I had was in China, and I fell in love! These almost impossible to eat fruits are simply delicious. However, I only eat a few a year due to their high cost, but I do make sure I…
Day 3: Double Chocolate Mint Irish Cream Cookies
You know what winter calls for? Coffee. Or Hot Chocolate. And do you know what coffee in the winter calls for? Irish Cream! There is nothing like a weekend morning in the winter, snow falling outside, curled up with a blanket and a cup of coffee with an Irish kick. When I found this recipe…