Category: Cookies

  • Day 2: Pumpkin Cookies

    Cream cheese frosting on a cookie!  Have you ever heard of such a thing? Who can resist anything with cream cheese frosting on it? I know I can’t. Since I was out of town leading up to Thanksgiving, I didn’t do any of my normal baking before for my family and friends. However, these cookies…

  • 25 Days of Cookies: Day 1 Dark Chocolate Chip Banana Cookies

    For Christmas this year, I am giving you COOKIES!! 25 days worth of cookies  🙂 The holiday’s are my favorite time of year to bake and it seems it is everyones  favorite time of year to eat too! In my family it has always been a tradition to bake mountains of goodies and bring platters…

  • Candy Corn Cookies

    How cute are these? I love reading Jenna’s blog at Eat, Live, Run.  She is super cute, and has all these fun recipes and stories. I enjoy reading for her writing style, but sometimes stumble on recipe gems. You should be proud of me, I did not buy a single bag of candy corn this…