Category: Grilling

  • Charred Citrus Margarita

    Charred Citrus Margarita

    Post supported by TropiCooland and contains affiliate links. “I don’t drink tequila anymore.” Have you heard that phrase from a friend or even out of your own mouth before?  Everyone that doesn’t drink tequila anymore has a story. Guaranteed. I am in the camp of, “I don’t drink tequila anymore.” I had that one night where I…

  • Happy Independence Day America!

      Happy 4th of July Everyone!! I hope you are getting to do something fun today to celebrate.  The Boy and I have spent the last few 4th’s at his cousin’s home on the lake, but they recently moved, so we were left with no plans.  In the spirit of being host junkies, we of…

  • Black and Blue Steak Salad

    Black and Blue Steak Salad

    The Boy couldn’t believe all the Ranch and Blue Cheese I put on this salad. I wanted to add more. You can’t go wrong with Ranch. Well, your waistline can go wrong with Ranch, but your taste buds can’t. Do you ever eat meals at odd times? We ate this dinner at roughly 10pm. After…

  • Grilled Shrimp Tacos

    It’s March, and the weekend in MN was in the 80’s. Where did this weather come from? I am loving this month! My patio lounging is in full swing. My computer, a book, and a glass of wine is all I need for a successful post work cool-down.  Last Friday when I was sitting out on…