Category: Life

  • 25 Days of Christmas My Urban Oven Style

    25 Days of Christmas My Urban Oven Style

    It’s December! The month of CHRISTMAS! The most magical month of the whole year. Snow falling {in most parts of the country}, Christmas Trees everywhere, lights, glitter, decorations galore.  Truly magical everywhere you go. A few years ago in honor of Christmas I did 25 Days of Cookies and it was magical. Yup, yet another thing…

  • Give Thanks & Happy Thanksgiving

    Give Thanks & Happy Thanksgiving

    Happy Thanksgiving!! I hope you all are preparing your stretchy pants for what is my favorite food coma day of the year. I told you all about that the other day.   Last night I was preparing to spend Thanksgiving with my extended family at my grand parents.  My grandparents always host holidays at noon…

  • How to Host the Ultimate Friendsgiving

    How to Host the Ultimate Friendsgiving

    Friendsgiving is becoming more and more of a trend these days with young adults. I will admit I bought into this idea 7 years ago, and this year will be hosting my 7th Annual Friendsgiving. My friends love this gathering every year because it gives them an excuse to test their hand in the kitchen…

  • Chicago + #BlogherFood2015

    Chicago + #BlogherFood2015

    Its has been a week since I have been back from #BlogHer 2015 and my head has been spinning with all the things I want to accomplish. I thought since I told you why I wanted to go to #BlogherFood15, I should tell you all about it. Let’s start with my flight to Chicago Friday…