Coconut Oil this. Coconut Oil that.
It’s just like when Olive Oil came on the scene. It’s everywhere.
I can’t believe how many posts on Pinterest or blogs I have seen listing the 100 ways you can use Coconut Oil.
There are a lot of real health benefits of Coconut Oil out there. But let’s be real, we aren’t going to just eat a spoon full of it like it is some delicious scoop of ice cream. It’s still oil, duh.
But you know what, I have read blog posts of people that say they just fill up a spoon from the jar and down it each day. Just like I do with my peanut butter jar. GROSS!
Ok, I will stop hating on Coconut oil here for a second, because I do own it and love it. Just not love it in the “what are the 101 ways can I use it” way.
I have been using coconut oil over the last 6 months to cook, and wouldn’t go back. I use it to make veggies and fish. I even found a coconut oil spray for coating pans, which I have been using in replace of a vegetable oil spray. That has been great for making eggs, pancakes, and chicken.
Many people have asked me if it adds a taste to food, and it does, a small taste. The taste however isn’t a bad taste, it is more of like a fresh light taste. Food tastes lighter with coconut oil then with any other oil I have ever used to cook. Great addition to my kitchen pantry.
Since I have coconut oil, in my cabinet, I thought maybe I could use it for other things. I started browsing through a few of these lists on how to use coconut oil. Nothing really jumped out at me until I saw one about using coconut oil in your coffee. I am always looking for ways to make black coffee better tasting without having to add so much milk and sugar. So I tried it…
And I just about threw up! I am not sure maybe I did something wrong, but what I read was to pour hot coffee over a teaspoon of coconut oil and stir. And then enjoy.
Ummm no, I did not enjoy.
The oil formed just like you would think it would on the top of coffee. Water and oil don’t mix, and coconut oil is no exception. The oil sat on the top of my coffee like a oil slick, and each sip I took, I got a mouth full of liquid oil. Gross!
After about 3 sips, I have up and let it sit on the table. Then when I came back, the coffee had cooled and the coconut oil had gone back to its hardened form. Leaving a nice sheet of solidified oil on the top of my coffee. Reminded me of a cup full of congealed bacon fat. Again, the gag reflex was running over time…
Lets just say I am going to stick to me coconut oil for cooking and that is it….
Do you use Coconut Oil? Have any suggestions on other ways I should try using it?