Meet the new member of our family- Ted!
He and Dewey are best friends already!
Or at least Dewey hasn’t tried to eat him or drink his water.
All sound reasons for best friend status.
Why did we get a fishy? Well, we had a bowl laying around at home, and we drove by this little place called Aqualand Aquarium . Prefect reason. Right? Every time we drove by this shop The Boy said we should check it out sometime. We have been excited about checking out all the unique shops and restaurants around our new house lately. Me having already asked if we could get a fish, was excited when the car turned into the parking lot last week as we were in the neighborhood. The Boy gave strict instructions before we went in that we were not taking a fish home that night, just looking….
Meet Ted! 😀
“Why Ted,” you ask? Only because of one of our favorite TV shows, How I Met Your Mother, that’s why. We debated on Hewey or Lewey, to begin rounding out our Donald Duck inspired name list, but we felt we should reserve those for our next dog or dog(s).
Disclaimer: we are not currently planning to get another dog any time soon. Well, I should say “we” are not planning, but for those of you who know how Dewey came into our life, I might have other plans up my sleeve. ::Muahahaha:: {weird, online way to communicate an evil laugh. Was I successful??}
I love having a fish. I had one all through college named Eve. If you knew Eve, you also knew my college self was slightly less attentive than I should have been. Her bowl was always looking a little gross. Despite my neglect and my roommates praying for her to die because her bowl was gross, she did live for almost my entire 4 year college career. Pretty good accomplishment I would say.
The Boy will never tolerate a dirty bowl, so Ted does have a good chance at a clean life. 🙂