Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Lactose Free Coconut Hot Cocoa with Coconut Whipped Cream

    Lactose Free Coconut Hot Cocoa with Coconut Whipped Cream

    Day 2 of 25 Days of Christmas My Urban Oven Style. Let’s kick this off with a nice piping hot cup of Hot Cocoa! I thought I might take the liberty to twist things up a bit, and make a hot cocoa recipe that didn’t involve any dairy. Rarely do I make hot cocoa from scratch…

  • 25 Days of Christmas My Urban Oven Style

    25 Days of Christmas My Urban Oven Style

    It’s December! The month of CHRISTMAS! The most magical month of the whole year. Snow falling {in most parts of the country}, Christmas Trees everywhere, lights, glitter, decorations galore.  Truly magical everywhere you go. A few years ago in honor of Christmas I did 25 Days of Cookies and it was magical. Yup, yet another thing…

  • Give Thanks & Happy Thanksgiving

    Give Thanks & Happy Thanksgiving

    Happy Thanksgiving!! I hope you all are preparing your stretchy pants for what is my favorite food coma day of the year. I told you all about that the other day.   Last night I was preparing to spend Thanksgiving with my extended family at my grand parents.  My grandparents always host holidays at noon…

  • Leftover Mash Potato Gnocchi

    Leftover Mash Potato Gnocchi

    My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving. For 2 big reasons. One: You get to eat all the yummy Thanksgiving food! I love the way my plate melts together into this perfect harmony of potatoes, stuffing, corn, green bean casserole, and turkey, all smothered in gravy. However, these are the only foods that can touch on my plate. Any…

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