Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Dreaming About Veggies
This is more of a ramble post, but it was a story I just had to share. I woke up the other morning with the most vivid memory of my dream. I personally hate dreaming, so remembering my dreams is not that exciting for me. Most people find it fun to be able to remember…
Ginger Sesame Zucchini Slaw
This was my first year with a successful garden. I blame it on all the rain in June. Yes, I said blame. What do you do when mother nature produces heaps and heaps of lettuce? So much lettuce that you can’t eat it all. So much that you have to push it off on your…
SunShine Vox Box
This is a sponsored post and contains affiliate links. The best gift came in the mail a few weeks ago, my SunShine Vox Box! A year ago I saw someone post about their Vox Box, and I was so jealous! I immediately asked them how they received it and how I could too. That is how…
Thursday Afternoon with Facebook| Facebook Boost Event
A few months ago a banner popped up on the top of my Facebook Fan Page, saying Facebook was going to be hosting an event in Minneapolis. We might be a big Midwest city but it seems that anytime an event happens, it happens in Chicago, not Minneapolis. I jumped on the chance to get…
Got any book recommendations?