Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Chicken Bacon Ranch Vegetable Pasta Salad
National night every year in our neighborhood always is a fun night with our neighbors. This is our 3rd year in our neighborhood, and we really love the people we live by. The area we live in has people from all age ranges; young couples, young families and couples who raised their families here and…
Chinese Broccoli with Garlic Oyster Sauce
Is there a vegetable that you could eat a whole plate of with out even blinking? Chinese Broccoli with Garlic Oyster Sauce is that vegetable for The Hubby and I. We rarely have Chinese broccoli at our house, but when I make a trip to the local Asian Super Market I always pick up a bundle…
5 Ways to Get Keep Your Skin Looking Great This Summer
This is a sponsored post and includes affiliate links. After a couple of weekends of fun in the sun, my skin is really feeling the affects. I has been fabulous having people comment on how tan I look. Or having my aunt say I look so sunkissed. But it equally wasn’t fun when my mom told…
My First Bike Race Complete | Urban Assault 2015
Yup, that is right, I finished my first bike race! The Urban Assault Bike Race is much more than a typical bike race. During the Urban Assault you are biking to places all across the city, hitting 7 designated check points, 2 mystery clue check points, and completing a challenge at each check point, all of…
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