Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Weekending {5/1-5/3/2015}
You guys, this was the best weekend! So jam packed, that when I woke up this morning, I wasn’t sure I did it all. Friday night was just a normal night at home, The Hubby and I had dinner together, he watched the NFL draft and I blogged. Super uneventful Friday night, but it meant…
Post Refresh
I FINISHED!! 3 Days done, and I am all Refreshed! And you know what, it wasn’t all that bad! Normally people talk about Detoxing or Cleansing, and you feel miserable for them. I am pretty sure what I shared with my co-workers when I wasn’t going on our normal lunch run sounded miserable too. Veggies,…
Brussels Sprout Ramen Noodle Salad
Last time you went to a work potluck, or a large family gathering, was there Ramen Noodle Salad on the table. It was at mine. My aunt is known in our family for bringing this salad every holiday. I normally eat 4 servings of the salad at every holiday. It is one of my favorites.…
Liebster Award!
Who me?? Nominated for an award, really??! I am super excited to announce that Jaime over at All that Srocks! nominated me for the Liebster Award! Super humbled and honored over here, that she thought of me, and my little corner of the Internet. Never heard of this Award? Well, I promise I didn’t make it…
Got any book recommendations?