Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Bird Nest Mini Cheesecakes
Easter is only 6 days away, are you ready?? I hope you are using my Stress Free Easter Hosting Tips to get yourself ready for when your family shows up after church Sunday. We will be off to my grandparents for the day. The weather is looking to be close to 50, which is fabulous…
Weekend Recap {March 27-29}
My weekend was busy but super productive, how about yours? We started the weekend with our second to last No-Meat Lent meal of Fish and Asparagus. Who knew so many people on IG would like a photo of asparagus ready to be roasted? But they sure did! Something I am loving lately is making my fish in…
Creamy Cauliflower Scalloped Potatoes
I read an article about a list of the Top 30 Hammiest States. Minnesota was ranked #10 on the list. Who comes up with these lists? I tried looking for a list of the Top Scalloped-est Potato States. It didn’t exist. Shoot. If I liked scalloped potatoes, maybe I would make my own list, but…
Stress Free Easter Hosting
I always love the Easter season. Pastels are everywhere, Spring starts to make herself known, baby bunnies and chicks are everywhere you look and another family gathering. Family gatherings always seem to create some sort of stress for the Host in our family. It isn’t easy to wrangle in a large family like mine, and…
Got any book recommendations?