Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.
Happy 6th Birthday Shakeology!
Happy 6th Birthday to my favorite morning buddy, Shakeology!! For a year now I have been drinking a Shakeology shake daily. I am a creature of habit, and lover of chocolate, so 90% of those days were chocolate shakes. Who would pass up a chocolate shake {that is actually AMAZING for you} for breakfast? That would…
Seeking a Hair Makeover
Do you ever feel in a hair funk? That is where I am right now. My hair is super long right now, something I love, but other days it is killing me. Above is me a few weeks ago at a Mardi Gras party, where I fully loved how it looked. But then below…
New Business Cards
Recently I ordered myself some new business cards. My original ones were printed from my home inkjet printer, made with a basic word document template. Then folded on the perforated line. Lame. I thought it was time to class it up some with increased blogging, beachbody work, and networking I plan to do in the…
And We Celebrated!
As I told you the other day it was the Hubby’s Birthday on Monday. He turned the big old…. ok… he would killl me if I told you, sorry. For his birthday this year I asked him where he wanted to go out to eat. Normally we try to go somewhere extra nice for birthdays.…
Got any book recommendations?