Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Happy Birthday Hubby

    I sure do love this vest loving, football obsessed, strong minded, opinionated, caring, kind, giving, bad bet maker, generous, goofy, protector, happy, loving, hubby of mine. I wish for you another year full of living life to the fullest, seeing the world,  exploring new things, amazing adventures, lots of laughter, and true happiness. Happy Birthday to my…

  • Avocado Strawberry Dream | Shakeology Recipe

      Quick post today, but I wanted to share a Shakeology recipe that we have been loving in our house lately.  I even made it for us on Valentine’s Day. And went SUPER romantic by serving it in a wine glass.  I think from now on, I should drink my Shakeology from a wine glass,…

  • 10 Recipes for Fridays in Lent

    With Lent starting yesterday and this being the first year I am trying to get The Hubby to follow the Catholic tradition of no meat on Fridays during Lent, so I thought I would put together a list of recipes that will keep him from sneaking meat behind closed doors. Since I was putting together…

  • This Whole Workingout Thing

    The Hubby and I have been doing the whole workout thing together lately. And we are loving every minute of it. Yes, I am calling it this “Whole Workout Thing” because that is how everyone else talks to me about it. I swear I hear the same things all the time, “so how is that…

Got any book recommendations?