Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Why You Won’t Accomplish Your New Year’s Resolution

    I know its only been 3 weeks since New Year’s, but can you seriously say you are still working on your New Year’s Resolution?  In the next week over 36% of people who made a New Year’s Resolution will have kicked it to the curb.  Whether it was too hard, or it wasn’t the right…

  • Shrimp & Beef Pan Fried Noodles

    I am notorious for just buying things at the grocery store that sounds like a fun ingredient or look like they could make a good recipe. More frequently this happens at my local Asian Food Market then anywhere else. I can never leave there without something I want to try out.  I would say as…

  • Thanksgiving Turkey Basics

    Thanksgiving my  FAVORITE holiday of the whole year! I love Thanksgiving because it is just like Christmas, without all the gifts. Don’t get me wrong, I love buying gifts for my family and friends, but gifts just put so much pressure on everyone for Christmas. Thanksgiving is all the yummy food, chilly weather and family,…

  • Get Out the Vote!

    Don’t forget your civic duty today, AND that you have the right to vote in this wonderful country! Get to your local polls today! If you are not sure where you local polling station is, please check out this site! https://2014.votinginfoproject.org/

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