Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • 3 Year Anniversary Plans- Run!

    For our 3 year Anniversary, The Fiance and I have decided that we are going to run! Sounds like a super romantic way to spend your anniversary right? An anniversary should be more than just romance, it should be about how are you supporting each other, pushing each other to be more,  motivating each other,…

  • Top 10 Moments of 2013

    I know I did this in and out of your life thing in 2013, not to the painfulness of 2012, but still not my best showing. The new year is going to be better, I promise!  Instead of filling you with a whole list of resolutions, I thought I would recap 2013 with my Top…

  • Holiday Cookie Ideas- Circa 2011

    Holiday Cookie Ideas- Circa 2011

    Remember when I gave you 25 Cookie recipes for Christmas?  Circa 2011? Lets take a look back at that glorious year, to get inspired for this holiday season! I really think you should make cookie #11, and #14. Then maybe #16-19 because peanut butter and chocolate are the best friends ever! Enjoy! Day 1: Dark Chocolate…

  • Master Bedroom: Decor Planning

    Right now my bedroom looks like this: Ok maybe a little cleaner than that, and more unpacked. And the lamp in the middle of the room is now behind the bed, in the middle of the room. This really is the photo from the weekend we moved in, but you get the point. Our room…

Got any book recommendations?