Category: Random Thoughts

  • Married Woman Here

    Married Woman Here

    I AM MARRIED! Well I have been for 7 months now, but it still doesn’t feel real. Who would have thought that was going to happen when I started introducing “The Boy” on the blog? Fast forward almost 4 years and I am still throwing my ideas out in the the obis, and “The Boy”…

  • Post Refresh

    Post Refresh

    I FINISHED!! 3 Days done, and I am all Refreshed! And you know what, it wasn’t all that bad! Normally people talk about Detoxing or Cleansing, and you feel miserable for them.  I am pretty sure what I shared with my co-workers when I wasn’t going on our normal lunch run sounded miserable too. Veggies,…

  • Liebster Award!

    Liebster Award!

    Who me?? Nominated for an award, really??!  I am super excited to announce that Jaime over at All that Srocks! nominated me for the Liebster Award!  Super humbled and honored over here, that she thought of me, and my little corner of the Internet. Never heard of this Award?  Well, I promise I didn’t make it…

  • Face er… Theme Lift

    Face er… Theme Lift

    Howdy My Urban Oven received a Face… er… Theme Lift last week.  Did you notice? Maybe not, because I haven’t posted for a while and you didn’t have a reason to come visit me.  Well unless you knew there was a recipe here that you wanted, so knowing that, I hope you did notice. I…