Happy Independence Day America!



Happy 4th of July Everyone!!

I hope you are getting to do something fun today to celebrate.  The Boy and I have spent the last few 4th’s at his cousin’s home on the lake, but they recently moved, so we were left with no plans.  In the spirit of being host junkies, we of course invited people over to our NEW house for the 4th.

I know what you might be thinking, didn’t you just move, like 4 days ago? How are you ever going to host a BBQ?  Answer: I really have no idea.

I joke, well sort of. Since a BBQ involves being near the grill and not really inside the house, we felt it was totally doable for a BBQ, regardless of the status of our boxes inside. Our backyard is great, with a large deck and paving stone patio featuring a fire pit. Totally the ideal location for a BBQ and bonfire {with s’mores of course}.  Away from the clutter and chaos inside the house.

Here is a view of the whole backyard from our bedroom window.  Don’t mind the large brush pile- I will fill you in during a later post. Hoping after a small fire tonight that pile will no longer take up half the patio.


One thing you will notice is that there are no chairs or tables in the backyard.  Might be a problem for hosting a BBQ for 17 people. We were seriously debating letting people sit cross-legged on the ground with their burgers and beers.

Only slightly debated, but late Wednesday night, an email from Home Depot popped up in my inbox for an ADDITIONAL 20% off patio furniture. Perfect timing for another trip to the HD!

The Boy and I rushed off to check out the patio furniture selection.  With my many trips to the big HD in the last week, I already had my eye on a set, but could not commit to it at full price. This girl is kind of a whimp when a purchase is over $100. I always have to hover by a time or two more before I can actually lay down the mulla.  Weeks ago we had decided we needed to buy a 6 person patio set because of all the entertaining we like to do, and the size of both of our families, so I really knew the price tag was going to hurt.

With the already reduced prices and the additional 20% off there was no way we weren’t bringing home a patio set last night.  We ended up with this gem >>> This is a photo from the HD website because our patio set is not put together on our deck yet.


Not being put together was not  because of a lack of ambition. Far from it. We got home and were super excited to cut into the box and get everything put together. My bubble was deflated when something on the box jumped out at me. In big bold letters it said “Box 1 of 2”.  I was only staring at 1 box, and we had only loaded 1 box onto our flat-bed cart, and only brought 1 home in the car.  Which meant, box 2 of 2 was still sitting on the shelf at HD….

Excitement ballon, FLATTENED.  Looks like someone will be going back to Home Depot this morning. Darn it!

It’s not all that bad I suppose. Had we sat outside until it was dark setting up the patio set we both would have been covered in mosquito bites and itching like a infested dog all night.

Now that we have solved the issue of people having to sit on the ground for our BBQ, I guess I should go to the store for some food to feed the crowd {and box 2}.  I think I will be re-making the fruit pizza above, so YUMMY!

Have a wonderful day with friends, family or the lake, whichever you are spending your day with 🙂

Happy 4th of July!!






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