Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • 10 Fun Red, White & Blue 4th of July Desserts

    10 Fun Red, White & Blue 4th of July Desserts

    This coming weekend, The Hubby and I will be heading to my sister’s house for the weekend. I want to bring a fun 4th of July themed dessert for us to have on Saturday at the lake.  Since I found so many good ones, I thought I would pull together a short list of fun Independence…

  • Our Wedding: Vietnamese Ceremony

    Our Wedding: Vietnamese Ceremony

    Never in a my wildest dreams as a young girl planning and “practicing” my wedding did I ever think I would have two in one day! Let alone 2 wedding dresses.  How amazing is that? In planning our wedding, we planned to have our Vietnamese Ceremony on Friday, and our Christian Ceremony on Saturday. We consulted…

  • #3 Things I am Lovin’

    #3 Things I am Lovin’

    1. Super excited about the Cookbook that was just announced by Autumn Calabrese titled, FIXATE.  The book will focus on using her revolutionary portion control containers to create all kinds of healthy meals.  I can’t wait to buy this cook book and incorporate it in to our house. I also can’t wait for my clients…

  • Married Woman Here

    Married Woman Here

    I AM MARRIED! Well I have been for 7 months now, but it still doesn’t feel real. Who would have thought that was going to happen when I started introducing “The Boy” on the blog? Fast forward almost 4 years and I am still throwing my ideas out in the the obis, and “The Boy”…

Got any book recommendations?